Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Project Rationale - Study Task

A project rationale should outline the problem and justify why a project should take place. As you are producing a campaign for your own website it is vital that you outline the requirements of the project just as a client would. Write a project rationale for your campaign outlining all the necessary requirements and restrictions. This should be written formally but it is a good idea to list your ideas roughly first. 

a set of reasons or a logical basis for a course of action or belief.

Purpose/reason for the campaign
Audience / Message
Tone-of-voice / Format
Materials / Budget
Placement / Distribution
Must do’s and must not’s

Target Audience
The target audience for the website is People who are interested in photography and want to see photography in different formats. Those that want to see work from young photographers and upcoming talent in the photographic industry, as well as known photographers. I think that the best places to distribute the print advertisements will be in photography shops, Galleries, Creative studios and Art & Design Educational Practices, as it's more likely for people who would be interested in the website to come to these places. 

The purpose of the website was to inform and deliver new information and content on photography. 
New Exposure is a creative platform that focuses on new and upcoming photographic talent as well as other known photographers, who have shaped photography with their own distinct styles. We include Interviews on their work and individual lives, which creates an insight on how they work as photographers. You can specify what format of photography you want to view on the blog, from digital to polaroid photography as well as the brands of photographic film used. We allow users to get involved and submit their own work to the blog, which gives them a chance at getting exposure

The purpose of the print campaign is direct potential users to the website for it to get more users and to gain a bigger name. To attract people to looking at the printed content I want to use a warm and welcoming tone of voice which compliments the work used on the advertisements. Something that stands out and is easily deciphered for the audience to take it in easily. The message I want to communicate is one that stands out and gets people interested in the website and what the print campaign is doing, I want to get across a message that allows people to get involved. 

Requirements & Restrictions
The format used for the designs will be mainly image and text based. Image will obviously play an important role visually in the designs as It's designing advertisements for a photography website, however the text will have to be clear and stand out to the audience. There will have to be a balance between the two.
Designs will be digitally printed, or perhaps screen printed depending on the time frame. As there will be photographic images used, screen printing isn't ideal.
The Materials for print will most likely be thick white/off white paper stock.
The printed content will be distributed in photography shops, galleries, museums and creative studios.

Must do's and Must nots?

Feedback In Pairs:
I hadn't fully polished my rationale and hadn't completed all the points, mainly because I haven't put too much thought into the studio brief as of yet. I talked to Joe about the current rationale and brief. He suggested that I should put emphasis on the submission section of my website and incorporate it into my print advertisement campaign. Joe went on to say that I could host a competition related to the submission concept of the site, which then allows the competition winners/finalists work accepted from the competition to be placed in a gallery space, hosted by New Exposure. This means that I could create a design to be printed which advertises the event. I think the idea of creating designs advertising for a photography exhibition in relation to the website is a great idea, it ties in well with photography. I'm definitely going to go along and develop this idea. I also have had an idea relating to the interactive aspect of the brief, which includes linking a printed design to your mobile, that then generates a selection of randomised images from new photographers that have been posted on the new exposure website. This is still something that I have yet to research further into. 

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