Friday 14 February 2014

OUGD406 - Secret 7" - Final Crit + Submission.

It was really good to see the classes secret 7 designs put up together on the walls. The studio looks much better now they have been put up.

My final designs that I submitted

I had asked for my classmates feedback on the variations of my oil pastel face illustrations and wanted to know what they thought to be the most effective. I explained that I wanted to submit one with the original white background and another inverted. I already knew that I was going to put through the inverted variation with the purple/blue oil pastel face overlapped on top as I find the contrast in colour attractive and I feel that it stands out well. My classmates thought that out of my variations with the original white background, that the design with the red oil pastel was the most effective. They said it caught they eye more than any of the other coloured faces. The illustrated faces were the only designs I considered submitted, however after I had done further manipulation with image repetition to my Leif Podhajsky designs I wanted to include one of them. I was also torn between picking one out of the two psychedelic designs, but I ended up going with the repeated image that narrows in to the centre as I found it to be more effective visually than the other.

Here are the screen caps for one of my designs I submitted.

On the whole, I am pleased with the work I have produced for this Brief. It has been an exciting project to have taken part of as It was our first live brief on the course. It would be amazing to be able to have one of the designs picked to get through and be displayed anonymously. It was interesting for me to incorporate my own personal illustrations that I do on a daily basis into a project for the course. As people had mentioned within the interim crit feedback, the drawings of mine were original and created a sombre aesthetic, which was what I aimed to achieve within connection to the dark tones of the Karmacoma video/song and it's connection to schizophrenia. Although the images I used for the symmetrical designs were not directly in connection to the Karmacoma initially, they do tie in. The disorientating, hallucinating imagery can be linked into distortion, confusion and a crazed state of mind, of which Charles Manson and the main character in the Karmacoma video both have portrayed.

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