Tuesday 24 December 2013

Task 4 - Hierarchy of Type - 3 Newspapers


There was no commercial content on the page and only one small illustration, as this newspaper page was mainly editorial based with a lots of body text and paragraphs. The format of the newspaper is berliner which is longer and thinner than usual newspapers. I feel that this effects the way the reader looks at the pages. 

The page contained 3 different fonts, all of which were serif.
The guardian have adopted the use of a font family called Egyptian, which is a slab serif typeface. This is used for their logo, titles, headings and body text, which is put to use on this page.

The layout of this page catches the readers eye at the top of the page. The hierarchy of type leads the reader to focus on the main title/heading, then down to read the columns of text. The enlarged quote with big speech marks catches the eye and keeps the readers attention within the articles. The subheadings at the bottom of the page keep the reader engaged. The hierarchy of type then follows the reader to view the last column on the far right of the page. (see thumbnail below)
I cut out the page title and quote first as they were the largest pieces of text on the page.

 Then I cut out the sub headings from quotes that stood out the most and caught the eye of the reader.
 I then cut out all of the body copy from the articles.
Here is my initial type dissection of the newspaper page.
I dissected all the bold words from the articles.

I dissected more elements from the newspaper, such as speech marks, page numbers and other typographic decisions that had been made within the page.

Final hierarchy of type.


The hierarchy of information is led by the bold slab serif title, which directs the reader to the information below. Then the large image attached to the article catches the eye. The next bold sans serif title in the HSCB advert, grabs the attention of the reader and makes them read downwards. Then another bold sub heading at the bottom of the page is then read and then the bold body text above is next to be seen with the enlarged capital letter at the start.

There is only 1 commercial on this page, the majority of the newspaper page is editorial.
The image and type at the top of the page are apart of the same story, the image is quite big making it draw the readers attention to the article.

There are 5 fonts, including the advert of which is in Helvetica Bold & light.
2 different serif fonts are used for the titles/headings and body text.
Another serif font is used on the speech/info descriptive bubbles on the page.
Also a sans serif font is used for the index on the coloured tabs, in the top right of the page.

I cut away the titles and subheadings as they are the largest pieces of type that can be seen first.
And then the commercial because of the bold use of Helvetica.
Then cut out the smaller sub headings and information boxes.
Cut out the page number and index tab.

Then I dissected the body copy
The initial type hierarchy
I separated the different typographic elements within the HSBC commercial.

Dissecting other typographic elements from the page and re arranging it within the hierarchy.

Final Type Hierarchy


As the Metro is a free newspaper there is a lot of images and commercials used. However on this page it has used mainly image, as one of takes up a third of the page. The images revolve around the information in the article.

There are 3 fonts in use on this page, 4 including the Metro logo.
Serif font used for the heading "Life & Style, Fashion"
A sans serif font is used for the titles and article description, of which I think is also used in bold for the picture descriptions.

Although the huge image used on the page is the main focus because of it's size, the sans serif title below, which has used tracking to space it out, captures the readers eye first. The hierarchy of information then leads down to the article description which is below the title and then to the capital I at the start of the article. As the reader would be viewing the article, the circular image at the bottom amongst the body copy is the next element to capture the eye. Then the last image on the right above the columns, finishes the page off, as it directs the audience to look at it and then finish off the article down from it.

I started cutting out the larger titles, headings and descriptions. The picture descriptions and body text were then cut out and placed under.

Initial type hierarchy of type that caught my eye first.

I cut out the images and placed them into the hierarchy as they are elements of the page layout and catch the readers eye and engage interest,however they are still not type, so maybe I should of not included them.

I then dissected the type I had previously cut out into smaller sections of each typographical decision.
Separating the capital letter I from the paragraph as it is very large in comparison to the small body copy.

Final Type Hierarchy

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