Saturday 2 November 2013

Studio Brief 3 - Final Typeface

This is the final typeface I have created for my partner, in a set of 26 letters and 6 glyphs.
The grid inside the manipulated Helvetica letterforms is replicated from the structure and patterns of the windows on the buildings designed by architect, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. My partner is interested in swiss sans serif typography, grid systems, minimal and structured design. I incorporated Ludwig into the design process as he has designed buildings that are structured and minimal, which have influenced our modern society. He is relevant to the theme of swiss design throughout this project and I've incorporated his work into the brief as a response to my interim crit feedback that I received. Helvetica Bold was chosen because of it's properties, being a very clear, neutral typeface that is swiss. 
This is a structured, architectural typeface.

Final Name Tags

Final typeface on tracing paper.

Below are the design boards I presented in my final crit.

I found this project quite challenging because of the way we had to shape a typeface into resembling an aspect of someones personality. Feedback from one another in this project was needed in order to be able to create a relevant typeface. Overall, I feel that I have met all the mandatory requirements for this brief. However, the typeface I created has been more directed towards my partners interests, rather than his actual personality or characteristics. Although, it could be said that our interests are apart of our personalities as everything we do in life makes up for ourselves as people. 

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