Tuesday 5 November 2013

Design Principles OUGD404 - On going task.

Todays lesson we were introduced to the beginning of an on going task within this module.

We have to start this task by altering the letters 'A,b,x,y' from our previously manipulated font that was chosen from one of the four categories (roman, script, woodblock, gothic). We have to explore the usage of bold, light and italics within the letters and consider the extremes of each style through experimentation. I have started to explore the uses of light, bold and italics on my manipulated 'Roman' font.

In todays lesson we also discussed the criteria for a successful typeface and learned more terminology.

usually don't go more than 12 degrees
some go up to 18 and some only 8 degrees.

half of the x-height.

Italics are for serif fonts.
Obliques are for sans serif fonts.

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