Thursday 19 May 2016

Collection Zine - Final Outcome / Evaluation

Final Outcome.


This project has by far been one of my favourite pieces of work I have produced this year. It's conceptually the strongest and the most appealing as a whole. Even though the overall zine and design is quite unusual I feel that it works well within it's context. I put a lot of effort into this publication in terms of working out how to respond to my collected comments. Setting up the InDesign document into 3 different packages (rgb,cmyk,B&W) also took large chunks of time too, because it was the first time I had ever prepared a file for risograph. This was a valuable learning experience though, proofing files is essential when using printers so this project has helped prepare me for future publications and prints.

I had already prepared a CMYK version of my zine before deciding not to print on riso for the deadline, which meant it was easy for me to print my zine in digital print. Before visiting digital print to get it printed, I produced my own test copies on my printer to give myself a better idea how it was going to turn out when printed digitally. I also did this to amend any mistakes that I hadn't picked up on in InDesign. Pink paper was going to be used for the front cover and middle pages of my zine and college doesn’t supply pink stock. Therefore I made the background pink on InDesign and had the pink made with the printer ink. Despite not using pink paper I'm really pleased with the final outcome. The 120gsm stock used helps carry a nice weight to the zines. 

I am disappointed that I haven't been able to have the zine risograph printed for the module hand in because it's what I set out to do from the start. But It would of cost far too much and would have not arrived in time. But this does not mean that it won't get risograph printed.  For the end of year show I want to have these zines risograph printed and included in my portfolio. Northern Printmakers and Footprint, who are both risograph studios based in Leeds are both places I'm currently thinking of using to print my zine because they're local and much cheaper than Ditto. Hopefully I can also sell the zines at Village & Colours May Vary, I feel that they would do well in Village because there's a lot of weird niche zines that are sold there. In the future I aim to continue this series, I think that carrying it on with under the Comment Section name will help create a strong base of work.

design boards

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