Wednesday 20 April 2016

Collection Zine Brief - Idea & Content

I had the idea to create a publication based on weird internet comments that frequently see on different website. I have been collecting these comments from the internet for a while now, and I wanted to enable myself to complete this concept within a self-initiated brief for Level 6. My collection of screenshots that I have taken on my laptop is from the past 2-3 years and it keeps on getting bigger and bigger. For the brief I have given it the title, "Collection Zine", because it helps supply a good solid base for the context. I didn't want to write the brief based around the specific idea that I already had in mind because it would be too niche. My collection zine is however going to be based on these comments as there are a lot of different possibilities and avenues to visually explore. 

My concept for this project was to create a publication that visually responded to various comments sourced from different comment sections on the internet. Seeing as the majority of the content had been already collected, I wanted to create a strong name and title for the zine before starting to design the layout. I aim to eventually sell this zine in magazine shops in Leeds, such as Village & Colours May Vary. It took me awhile to think of a suitable name for the zine, I wanted it to be directly related to the content. There are too many publications and magazines with vapid names that are only used because the letters look nice together. I eventually came up with the title; ‘The Comment Section’, to be used for the zine. This title is simple and relevant to the content. I also wanted to experiment with a different process whilst developing this project; therefore I set out to get my finished zine risograph printed because its an avenue I have never explored.


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