Monday 10 February 2014



BLUE - 7458 U
RED = 193 U
ORANGE = 152 U
GREEN = 376 U - 80%

Purple Cap 
Pantone = 2583M

Contrast in tone isn't too high as the purple doesn't strike out too much. However red and purple aren't to far away from each other in terms of contrast in hue. 

The similarities in tone makes the purple recede slightly within the blue. 

The difference in hue what makes the purple stand out from the green. The contrast in saturation and tone are quite balanced between the two.

The purple lid has a higher level of saturation and the contrast in hue is high, which makes the purple stand out from the yellow paper. The colours are on the opposing sides of the colour wheel which makes these 2 colours both complimentary to each other.

The contrast in tone and saturation are both close to one another within these objects which makes it slightly harder for the purple to stand out. However the contrast in hue is greater. The surrounding orange almost gives the circular purple a green hue.

Yellow Sponge
Pantone = 113U

High contrast in Hue allows the yellow to appear much louder. 

Slightly darker shade of green when taking a picture closer to the object.
Something I noticed once taking photos of these objects with my DSLR camera is that I had to take the photo of the objects from a certain distance because if I got too close the colour of the paper would change slightly because of the light and camera settings.
The saturation between the yellow sponge and the green paper is quite even. Although the contrast in hues and tone is what brings the yellow out off the page.

The yellow sponge appears to have a higher contrast in saturation. The contrast in hue is low as there are of the same colour. Also the contrast in tone is low as it is almost hard to make out the edges of the sponge.

The difference in hue separates the yellow from the orange. 

Contrast in hue is what separates the yellow from the red. Although the saturation and tone is similar too. 

Mint Green Chocolate
Pantone = 7471C

There is a low contrast in hue, however the object appears to stand out more because of the contrast in tone.

The tone, hue of both colours are similar and the circular shape is small which makes it slightly recede into the green background. The contrast in saturation is what separates the mint blue sweet off the page.

The contrast in tone makes the yellow appear much lighter. The contrast in saturation and hue lifts the circular blue shape off the page.

Contrast in hues really brings the blue circular sweet off from the orange paper.

The contrast in saturation makes the red appear lighter. The blue/mint colour sweet strikes out from the background as there is a contrast in tone and a larger contrast in hue as the colours are almost at opposite ends of the wheel.

 Red Sweet
Pantone = 187C

The contrast of tone and hue really brings out the red from the blue background. It appears to be very sharp upon the blue, although both colours are quite vibrant. There is also a contrast of temperature as the blue appears to be cool and slighter lighter as the red is more prominent. 

Contrast in hue and tone makes brings the red sweet stand out.

The contrast in hue does bring out the red from the yellow, however it's the contrast in tone which really makes the red stand out as its much darker than the yellow which appears to be quite light. 

Contrast in hue is similar as orange and red are close to each other. Contrast in saturation is similar which doesn't make the red sweet stand out all that much. However the contrast of proportion attracts the red colour from the sweet towards the viewer as the darker colour and smaller size of it makes it stand out a little.

The contrast in hue is similar because the object is red and is placed on red paper. However the contrast in tone makes the sweet stand out because it is much darker than the paper. 

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