Sunday 19 January 2014

Type Journal - Channel 4

I often use channel4 online for playback on various tv programmes and have been accustomed to its branding for many years as many people are. I had never looked into it's typeface and assumed that they used a pre-existing font. However, the font is actually named, 'Channel 4', so it has definitely been crafted for the company specifically. I've always been font of the characteristics of the typeface. It reminds me a lot of computers and digital type, I think this is because of the use of geometric elements and rounded corners. It has a strong business feel to it, but it works very well with channel 4's identity.

Production Method
Silicone / Digital

Category: Sans Serif
Classification: Humanist
Country of origin: UK
Distinguishing Marks:
Minimal contrast; Open bowl on lower case 'g';
squared geometric presentation; rounded corners;
curved lower stem of upper-case 'E';
Slab serif on base of '1' and 'I''
Slab serif at top of stem on lower-case 'i'.

Designed by Jason Smith in 2005. Published by Fontsmith.

Intelligent / Digital / Corporate /

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