Wednesday 13 November 2013

Studio Brief 5 - Final 3 Posters.

Before the Interim crit I hadn't made any interpretations for the solely image poster. I found that it was the hardest part of the brief, sending a message just by image. Throughout the brief I wanted some sort of shock value content that would grab the attention of the audience with the use of image. Initially, I wanted to use a human arm that had been cut off, however I didn't go along with this idea as it was difficult to emulate. The reason why I used an actual Image for my final image poster and not a vector illustration is because I wanted to represent a more realistic approach on the matter of shark finning. I wanted something that would be effective. What led me to make this decision of using a picture of a shark being finned was because of a conversation I was had with a classmate. We were discussing the what the possible outcome of the image poster could be and he then explained how he felt that the topic of shark finning is horrible, brutal and bloody. He suggested using real life images to catch the audiences eye and make them stop and think about whats going on in the image. I thought this was a very good point and I then explored the use of real life image for my final poster. I thought it might be difficult to make it fit and work as a set with the rest, but I think it has worked well. I did experiment with the use of vector illustrated image for the poster, by creating a fin and knife, but it wasn't effective. 

I played around with the text on the "where are the sharks?" poster, because people had said that it was hard to read the text in the interim crit. I placed it above the waves to see what it looked like, the text was readable, but it wasn't as effective because it wasn't behind the waves. I had even stretched the text vertically by increments to see how if it would become easier to read, although too much stretching did not look good on the font. 

For the final set I didn't include any symbols or icons of sharks, as I felt that they were too obvious. I have responded to the feedback from the crit and went along with the most powerful posters. g to crit. 

I lowered the waves on the final type and image poster to make better use of the white space. The text was stretched higher to be able to be read easier, as people had mentioned it was a little hard to view.
Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold has been used on both type and type image designs. I have never used this font before, however I chose it because I think it has a solid impact. Its a clear sans serif font that is very legible and readable, which I feel is needed when trying to send a strong message across.

Final Set of Posters



Type & Image

In the final crit we only had one minute to discuss the research process and decisions made with our posters. I feel that It went well and the response from the class was positive. The majority felt that my posters were effective and communicated the message across well. 

I feel that my 3 posters work well together as a set and grab the audiences attention very well. 
My aim was to raise awareness on the topic of shark finning and inform people about the mass killing of sharks that takes place daily. I've used a serious tone of voice, which I feel is appropriate for what i've communicated as shark finning is a serious topic. I thought about the target audience with this project and I wanted it to be on a wider scale. Therefore I haven't mentioned shark fin soup, which is the main reason sharks are finned, because not every country has heard of it. For example if the posters were placed in the UK, people wouldn't take notice or care, because it does not directly effect them as they do not know about shark fin soup. 

Below I have placed my set of posters on billboards and bus stop screens to give an idea of what they could look like if presented in public. 

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