Thursday 21 November 2013

Design Principles - Readability Within A Sentence.

As we have been getting to grips with readability, legibility and other type related terminologies in design principle, we have been set another task that involves playing with the organisation and placement of words. We have to produce at least 4 different variations of all our 4 categories of type combines within the words, 'The Quick Brown Fox'. This task involves editing the tracking, orientations, kerning and scale to help improve the readability of the 4 words.

Throughout all my variations I have the scaled the words, so it decreases as it goes along, this is to help the reader start with reading the words in the right order, because having 4 different categories of type is conflicted and creates distraction. Even though scaling is used to create focus on the order of how the words are read, words still stick out because of the contrast to the other types properties. I have centred, aligned left and justified the words to present different ways of layout. Tracking has been used on the block type because when it has been scaled down the letters become too close together and squished.

What I found difficult when trying to present these words in a readable order was trying to make the block typeface not draw the attention of the eye, when it was positioned after 'The'. It had to be scaled down throughout all the variations, however when used at the start it was easy to take advantage and create an impact on the first word. The script font was also another difficult one to balance out within the four words, the bigger the script type was it got harder to read and distinguish the letter forms.

Most successful. These can be read from start to finish.

Less successful attempts
Within these variations the block typeface stands out in the sentence of words. Its more condensed than the rest and creates more of an impact than the others. For example below where the word 'quick' is in block type,  above it 'The', even when scaled to a much bigger size doesn't grab the readers eye first. Also where script is used on the word 'quick' below, it strikes out first in my opinion, the size of the word and the negative spaces around the letters catch the eye rather than the Roman type above. 

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