Thursday 28 November 2013

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 1 - Drawings, Mock ups

These are the 3 concepts I have prepared for the interim crit.
Masking Text 
The layout in the drawings are not something I'm going to carry out, this is just to show the idea of masking text behind different objects in an image.

I mocked up the concept of masking text behind objects in photoshop. I used old family photographs of my sister and masked text behind her. I did this my duplicating layers on photoshop and then deleting the area around the object I want the text to fall behind. Then I placed the text layer in between the photo layers.

Ikea Concept
After analysing the layout of information on an Ikea frame I took influence from it and decided to do my own version. The simplistic, clean and informative layout and use of neural sans serif typefaces from the Ikea frames is something I've aimed at taking onto all of my concepts. I want them to be easily read and communicate effectively.

Polaroid Frame Concept
These are my current ideas for the backing paper designs to be used within the Impossible Project magnetic frames. This is currently the direction I have decided to take this project. The top 2 drawings are for a 8x10 inch frame that are for 8x10 polaroid prints. The top left would be a polaroid image of my own with the information around it, telling the audience what it is. Along side is another drawing with an exploded diagram of how the frame works. I looked at the magnetic frames online and they have been shown like this with the actual product. I think if I use this concept for the final designs that the instructions on how to place it together must be considered, because the audience might not no how to set it up. The bottom 2 are pretty much templates for the maximum layout of the polaroids (600 + SX70). The bottom left shows outlines of polaroids, which gives the idea of the positioning and allows the audience to imagine their polaroids being there. 

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