Monday, 3 November 2014

A Brief History of...Web - Development

The Grid
Decided to use a square grid, it allows for more freedom than other grids in viewfinders, and it keeps it modular within a formation. I needed to decide on a grid quickly as I time was running out and I wanted my designs to stick to a grid relevant to my content. This square grid is something I found online throughout various different 35mm viewfinders. 7 squares across, starting and ending with half a square, this almost gives a margin to the sides of the grid.

Website Name
I started brain storming words for the website which were associated to sounds that cameras made noises such as click clak. I thought using onomatopoeia would be interesting. However after deciding the focus of the photography blog I knew that I wanted a simple name which related not only photography but also had a larger relation. Emerge, evolve, expose and reveal were other words I was thinking about using for the name. I wanted a word that had some sort of movement, a word that had a transitioning appeal. I ended up naming it New Exposure. I liked the word exposure because it relates to photography and it's something that happens in the process. 

New Exposure
After thinking about my photography blog, I needed to hone in on something a bit more specific. I did some thinking and then managed to base my website on a target audience and have a specific aim too. I wanted to create a site that showed content from young and upcoming photographic talent, which people could come and view. I wanted to make it a site for photographers interested in different formats and speeds of film, so they can search between different formats to view the effects of them. I also wanted to give the opportunity for people to submit work as well.

Target Audience
The target audience for the website is People who are interested in photography and want to see photography in different formats. Those that want to see work from young photographers and upcoming talent in the photographic industry, as well as known photographers.

Website Purpose
The purpose of the website was to inform and deliver new information and content on photography. 
New Exposure is a creative platform that focuses on new and upcoming photographic talent as well as other known photographers, who have shaped photography with their own distinct styles. We include Interviews on their work and individual lives, which creates an insight on how they work as photographers. You can specify what format of photography you want to view on the blog, from digital to polaroid photography as well as the brands of photographic film used. We allow users to get involved and submit their own work to the blog, which gives them a chance at getting exposure

Unique Selling Point
The main usp of the website is that users can view different photographic formats and iso speeds and make comparisons throughout the images on the blog. Another usp is the submission element of the website that allows users to gain experience on the site. However the main usp would be that the site focuses on new photographers and provides great content from other known photographers which also include interviews on their practice.

Site Map
A more up to date version of my site map

Thumbnails for the blog section. Throughout the variations the page remains as a vertical scroll with single images. Throughout all my thumbnails I play with the logo placement, header and links.
Looking at having a horizontal scroll for the photographers section

Altering the layout for the interview page. Deciding whether or not to have a mixture of images and text or just all text and then images shown in a widget. 
Image links in square boxes to be selected that lead to sub pages with interviews and photographer portfolios.

Using the square grid on pages I would like to develop with further in InDesign. I had decided to keep the links on the top and the logo on the top left. I wanted to keep it simple. On the blog page I have kept it with a single images and an endless vertical scroll.
The photographers/interviews selection pages use 6 square images that fit into the grid, for the user to hover and select. The images once hovered will show you who's work it is. You can click left or right at the bottom to find more. 
The photographer bio page which showcases their images and has a short introduction to them. I have decided to use a side scroll to this page. I think it will bring a nice twist and make use of the space better, the rest of the page will remain still once the side scroll is in use. 
Decided to make the interview content a mixture of images and text

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