Thursday 27 February 2014

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 2 - Presentation / Crit / Feedback

We finally whittled down the individual daily challenges for 5 days of the week. (mon - fri)

Draw  -   Illustration teng
Write  -  Tweet a joke or story
Photo  -  Instagram
Blog    -  Creative blogs / Student blogs
Video  -  Vine

These challenges would occur every week, each on the 5 separate days of the week. However each week we would make each of the challenges more specific and notify our following on twitter, telling them what the entries for the challenges have to consist of.

This is an idea of what we came up with for the drawing challenge. We want students to get involved and have fun doing it, so we thought that giving out random, amusing ideas would be a good way of getting people involved. Below is an illustration I did of Ryan Gosling on a camel.

We have also already started our online platform with a twitter account.

Our Presentation

The feedback we received was helpful and informative. It was even more helpful that the 3rd year students came in to watch the presentations and give their view point on things. They gave strong feedback on the majority of peoples ideas. Fortunately people agreed with our idea on creative commute being the best idea, which is great as this is the idea we have developed into the most. We were told to keep it more simple and strip it down to just an illustration challenge throughout the week as the other formats we initially thought of for submitting ideas was a bit clustered. The group agrees that this is a good step forward as it makes the whole concept a lot simpler and more manageable. 

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