Tuesday, 4 February 2014

OUGD404 - Studio Brief 2 - Research Task.

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We were told to prepare 15 questions each to bring in todays lesson.
5 questions related to Typography and Anatomy, Colour Theory and Readability & Legibility.

My original questions.

  • What year was Univers created?
  • What are the 4 main classifications of serif fonts?
  • Which letter contains the anatomical part; 'Aperture'.
  • When was the Gutenberg press invented?
  • Which letters include the anatomical part; 'Bowl'

Colour Theory

  • What does Chromatic Value equate to?
  • How is Simultaneous Contrast formed?
  • What do the receptors within the eye do/ How do they work?
  • When green and red cones are stimulated in the eye; what colour do we see?
  • What is additive colour?

Readability / Legibility

  • What is the most effective type for body copy within books/novels. (serif or sans serif)
  • How can kerning effect and improve the way type is read?
  • What is the most legible/readable font?
  • How big should the leading be in comparison to the font size when using body copy?
  • What is the most readable type alignment?

We then got put into groups of 4 and had to create a list of 10 questions for the new brief.

New Brief - What is A Book?
Produce a set of 10 Double page layouts that explore the form, function and construction of a book. The starting point for this brief is the research that you will have gather in response to the studio session asking you to identify '10 things you need to know about design'.
Your ongoing visual investigation of content should demonstrate a growing understanding of the fundamental principles of type, grid, layout and format that will (and have) been introduced during studio sessions and workshops. Use these as a staring point to develop a set series or sequence of page layouts  that effectively communicates your chosen content.
Your 10 layouts should include a contents page and introduction to the content.

I realised that the majority of the questions I originally came up with were not suitable for what they were intended to be used for. They were far too specific and well known. The aim of the task is to research into coming up with answers to questions were are not too familiar with. We all talked about our own questions and elaborated on them, changing them so they weren't too specific or easy to answer. We need to be able to create a wide resource of information within these questions, so there is enough information to be used for the layout designs.

Our 10 Questions for '10 Things You Need To Know About Design'

  1. What are the key aspects in the anatomy of Type?
  2. What are the different font classifications?
  3. What are the different production methods of fonts?
  4. What are the key aspects that effect Readability?
  5. What are the key aspects that effect Legibility?
  6. How can Type & Layout be used to effect read order?
  7. What is subtractive colour?
  8. What is additive colour?
  9. How do different environments change our perspective of colour?
  10. How do colours interact with each other?

Task for next week.
Summarise on going research.
Bring in 3 double page magazine layouts.

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